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Discovery Islands Advertising Information


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Discovery Islander

Discovery Islander

Classified Ads

The Discovery Islander is your most effective method for reaching residents of Quadra Island, Read Island & Stuart Islands.

We welcome classified ads but please note that non-profit and editorial items run free of charge.


1- Write up your ad and count the words.

2- Decide how many issues you would like it to run.
The DI publishes every two weeks so two editions covers a month (approximately)

3- Submit your ad by email or drop it off at our office at 701 Cape Mudge Rd (mailbox at the door) or at Inspirations in the Q-Cove Plaza.

4- Make your payment when you mail or drop it off,
E-transfers may be sent via email to
or use the PayPal™ options below. Ads must be pre-paid.

Pay for your Classified Ad Online

Up to 35 words
one time


Up to 35 words
each edition 2 or more


Number of Issues

35-70 words
one time


35-70 words
each edition 2 or more


Number of Issues

For all other amounts
use this option to pay any agreed amount or settle your account.

IMPORTANT - Include 5% GST in your total

Invoice number or reference

Rates include GST.
Please make sure to include your 'shipping' address if you require a receipt.


Ads longer than 70 words are charged by the column inch - please contact us for an estimate.
Editorial items of a news or non-profit nature run free of charge.

>We prefer to have payment for classifieds made in advance. Payment can be made by cash or cheque, Interac e-Transfer, or use the PayPal™ options to use your credit card.

IMPORTANT: To use the PayPal payment for 2 or more insertions please use the drop-down menu to select the number of issues. For other options please contact us or adjust yourself at the Checkout.

Any questions please call 250-285-2234 10-4 pm Monday to Thursday. We are not open on weekends.

Classified Ads

Classifieds are $25.00 (includes GST) for up to 35 words for 1 issue (covers two weeks) or $20.00 each for two or more insertions (including GST). Rates for ads longer than 35 words as above. Payment must be made before publication and can be made using the PayPal™ service above, by Interac e-Transfer to, or by sending a cheque, cash or money order to:

Discovery Islander
by mail to: PO Box 280 Quathiaski Cove BC V0P 1N0
or stop by our office at 701 Cape Mudge Rd. or at Inspirations in the Q-Cove Plaza

Ads may be submitteded by mail or email.

Contact us to discuss billing options, an advertising schedule, to set up an account and/or other questions.
Sorry we don't accept credit cards other than through PayPal™ as above or on account usually invoiced by mail or email and we appreciate prompt payment by cheque, cash or money order.

Discovery Islands Advertising Information
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